- Kusel and Fritz -


Evangelical City Church


On 21st February, 1931 Fritz Wunderlich was Christened in Kusel by Minister L.H.Baum. We can read in the Church's Birth Register:

Wunderlich Friedrich (Karl) Otto
26th September 1930



The Confirmation took place on Palm Sunday 18th March 1945 at 6am. Deacon Andreas Cassel presided. Shortly after the service commenced American bombers flew over the city. The pressure waves of exploding bombs burst open the church door. Immediately the Deacon blessed all the candidates for confirmation and promptly closed the service. The congregation fled to the air raid shelter.


So Fritz's abbreviated Confirmation was recorded in the Confirmation Book on 18th March 1945:

Wunderlich Friedrich
Geb. 26.09.1930
(Born 26.09.1930)

Deacon Cassel added a postscript to the Confirmation record:

Einen Tag vor dem Einmarsch der Amerikaner. Die Bedrohung durch Flieger machte die Konfirmation noch vor Tagesbeginn um 6.00 Uhr morgens nötig.

Cassel, Dekan"

(The threat of an air raid the day before the American invasion necessitated the 6.00 o'clock service.
Signed: Cassel, Deacon.)



MP3 Churchbells
Evangelical Church

On 25th August 1956 in Stuttgart. The private church ceremony took place in Kusel on 15th September 1956 early in the morning. Deacon Andreas Cassel who had confirmed Fritz was the Celebrant. The official witness was the Kusel church server Otto Gemin.

In the Kusel church register it was recorded::

Wunderlich, Friedrich Karl Otto,
Tenor am Theater in Stuttgart, geb. 26.09.1930 in Kusel,
Sohn von Paul Wunderlich, Musiker, gestorben in Kusel
und Frau Anna geb. Malz, Kusel

Jungnitsch, Eva-Maria Christa Isolde,
Stuttgart, geb. am 05.12.1934 in Stuttgart,
Tochter von Fritz Jungnitsch, Kammermusiker in Stuttgart
und Frau Hedwig geb. Geiger, Stuttgart

(Wunderlich, Friedrich Karl Otto,
Tenor at theatre in Stuttgart. Born 26.09.1930 in Kusel.
Son of Paul Wunderlich, musician, died in Kusel

Jungnitsch, Eva-Maria Christa Isolde,
Of Stuttgart, born 05.12.1934 in Stuttgart.
Daughter of Fritz Jungnitsch, chamber musician of Stuttgart
and Frau Hedwig nee Geiger, Stuttgart)


Christening daughter Constanze

Fritz Wunderlich arranged for a Kusel ceremony on 1st May, 1958.

In the church register it was recorded:

Wunderlich, Constanze Marianne
*26.08.1957 in Berlin

Cassel, Dekan"


History - Style


The foundation stone of the Evangelical City Church was laid on the 12th July, 1829 and the ceremonial opening followed shortly after on the 16th October, 1831. The title of Stadtkirche or City Church is somewhat confusing and goes back to the time when only one Confession existed in the city. The church was built by the Kusel based firm, Bell. From the outset the high towered building blended harmoniously with the architecture of the city. The only criticism was the lack of a pure classical style.


"Either from financial considerations or due to the bad taste of architects and planners the simple exterior was controversial in its stylistic impurities. The frequent use of low windows goes against the traditional established convention, that of fenestration with formal architraves. Additionally the use of shortened plinths refers to a baroque stylistic convention. The addition of the spire in 1861 (neogothic influence), as well as the accompanying changes to the upper section of the tower were seen as further aberrations. Further stylistic idioms were incorporated which made the building more and more a collage of styles. The interior of the church on the other hand maintains an aesthetic veracity. Only the windows cut out of the upper gallery jar with the overall conception." (Engel 1981, page 135)